Why I Finished - Life as Mrs. Wilson

07 May, 2017

Why I Finished

Last Friday, I graduated with my bachelor's degree in integrated studies with emphases in psychology and sociology. It was an incredible day that I won't soon forget.

For as long as I can remember, graduating college was something I felt to be of great worth, and at an early age I made it a goal to obtain a bachelor's degree. I've grown up with a deep passion for learning and a desire to obtain higher education, so when I found out I was pregnant, I knew I would have to find a way to finish my last year of schooling no matter what.

The day I couldn't fit in a desk anymore 😅
Going to school while pregnant was one of the hardest things I ever did, and finishing school after having a baby was an even bigger challenge. However, after leaving each class, I was filled with happiness in knowing that I was doing exactly what I felt I needed to do at that time: learn.

I've always felt that if there is one thing I want my kids to know, it's that they can do hard things. That they can achieve their goals and aspirations regardless of how impossible or out of reach they may seem at times. I want them to know that if something feels of worth to them, that I will support them 100% in pursuing their goals.

Obtaining a bachelor's degree was my something of worth, and despite all of the backlash I received for my decision to finish school with a new baby, I still had that burning desire to accomplish the goal I had set for myself all those years ago.

Homework time

I didn't finish college 'just to finish.' I finished college because of the value I place on education. But more importantly, I finished college to show Conrad and my future children that they can do hard things and achieve their lifelong goals, which to me is more valuable than any degree. 

I'm so thankful that I was able to finish my schooling, and I had an incredible support system that helped me to do so. Were it not for them, I don't think I would have had the capacity or resources to achieve my goals. I hope that by pushing myself to accomplish one of my greatest lifelong goals, my children can know that they are also capable of achieving their goals - no matter what they may be. 

So to my future children: You can do hard things. You can achieve your goals through determination. Follow your passions, do your something of worth, and know that your mama will support you no matter what. 

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