Life As Mrs. Wilson: June - Life as Mrs. Wilson

30 June, 2017

Life As Mrs. Wilson: June

June 2017

Things I'm grateful for:
1. Online community. Being a stay at home mom has often felt lonely for me, and there are days when my only interaction with the outside world is through social media. It has been an amazing blessing in my life to make genuine connections with other moms that I would not have been able to meet were it not for the internet. I am so thankful for the people I've met through Instagram that I now consider friends, and for the support that really is out there. It has made me realize that social media can be an extremely positive thing if we choose to make it that way.
2. Time to disconnect. While I love the blessings social media has brought to my life, I am so grateful that I had a few days this month to really disconnect from the internet. Sometimes you need to disconnect to reconnect, and having that time to reconnect with nature and loved ones was exactly what I needed.

Lessons Learned:
1. If you want it, you have to be fearless. 
2. You have more in you than you think.

Current Favorites:
1. Garnish Co. This cute company created a personalized sign for Conrad's nursery and I absolutely adore it! They did such a great job and I love seeing it every time I walk into the room.

2. Jenna Rammell's 30 Days of Affirmation. I used to think that affirmations were super cheesy, but since I started using them about a year ago I have felt a huge shift in how I feel. Jenna Rammell is one of my favorites and this month she did 30 days of affirmation online. I have LOVED reading them and using them on a daily basis, and I feel that affirmations can truly benefit everyone's lives. (Here's week 1, week 2, and week 3 of the affirmations).

1. An evening at the Wilson farm. A few weeks ago we had a barbeque over at my in-laws house. They live on a gorgeous farm and we had such a pleasant evening filled with good food and great company. It has been fun to see what having a big family is like and I love living close to Jake's parents as well.

2. Lindsay's in town! Last week, my sister and her husband Cameron flew in from Texas to come visit. They finally got to meet Conrad and it's been so nice to have them here for a while! We've had fun playing games and just spending time together. I'm hoping we can visit with each other more often as the years go by.
3. A trip to the cabin. I posted tons of pictures from our cabin trip here! Going to our family's cabin has always been one of my favorite things in the world, and it was so neat to bring Conrad along this year. He had so much fun playing with Lindsay and Cameron's puppy and spending so much time outside. I love how peaceful it is up on Kolob Mountain and that I always leave happy and refreshed.

This month was filled with lots of emotion and lots of teeth...7 to be exact. ;) Conrad now has 7 teeth and I now have endless sympathy for anyone who mentions that their baby is teething. As for the emotion, I'm working on that. My anxiety got pretty intense this month, so I'm working on ways to balance my emotions and feel more in control of how I respond to those emotions - which the affirmations have helped with tremendously! There were a few days this month filled with anxiety attacks and bouts of depression, but there were also many days filled with joy. So for now, I'm just trying to hold on to that joy and remember that there is always hope, always something to be grateful for, and always a reason to truly feel that life is worth living.

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